Long Hiatus

It been almost 3 years since my last update on this blog post and world has changed a lot, we embraced the concept of WFH, lost our dear ones to Co-vid wave.

This has indeed change my perspective about life, Instead of only thinking on commercial aspect of savings, identifying the positives at what life throws at us needs to be considered. Things or Experiences which we learn on day to day basis needs to be captured and shared with people for their views/thought process in the end benefiting us all

I also read if we do an activity for 21 days, it becomes a habit and most difficult thing is to get started. Today is Day 1, i have started small to inculcate writing as my Habit.. Let us see how successful i become in writing the blogs daily as habit

About Me

My Name is Shailesh Murdekar, I am software professional (9am to 6pm), later I have my side gig from selling cashews to organizing events. I also like writing, but never thought of it seriously till today. I thought who has seen the world tomorrow, if you like something let’s get cracking on it

Being Born into traditional middle class Indian family, we were always taught to save and plan the money, splurging was never the option, so trait of doing research and then buying stuff is imbibed into me

Here in this blog, I will be sharing things which I researched while buying and selling stuff

Factors which you should consider while buying particular appliances, gadgets, vehicles I will try to decode the technical jargons into layman terms and with clear verdict: – To buy or not

Also I am a big foodie, I will be exploring restaurants, hotels, authentic food and will share my experience in and around India

I love to read books and avid reader of finance and non-fictional books, reading gives different perspective to look through life, some impart us with valuable learnings which I will share with you.

Enough of the chat and talk, let’s get down to the information


This blogs will provide you with money worth it Deals, which gadget to buy, technical Jargon explained in the simple terms Information about the Financial Products, credit cards, Points to watch out while buying Financial Product And Authentic Food experiences in and around India